Succulent Native

Cactus,Flower,Succulent and etc

Succulent Native. The snake plant also known as mother in laws tongue is a succulent that any black thumb can keep alive with minimal effort. Cactaceae is the largest botanical family of succulents with over 1700 species all native to the Americas.

Stumped Over Which Succulent To Grow Go Native Osu Extension Service
Stumped Over Which Succulent To Grow Go Native Osu Extension Service from

The cactus family has nearly 2000 species and with one exception all are native to the Americas. Jun to Dec or Jan. It is a long-lived and fast-growing plant and the sprawling vines can hang down several feet once they are mature.

They are generally lumped under the common name haworthia though different species might carry other common names.

Native to tropical West Africa the plant gets its name from its long pointed patterned leaves that are reminiscent of a snake. Cactaceae is the largest botanical family of succulents with over 1700 species all native to the Americas. Jun to Dec or Jan. A ground hugging succulent with bright pink flowers and a white centre.